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Things to Look Forward To

May 3, 2011

I am very fortunate right now to have some things on the horizon that will lift me out of the rather boring life I have here in this one horse town, things that will get me out of town, visiting with people and meeting new friends, seeing the world, and having great, fun, new experiences.  YES!

First up, I have a week at the coast planned for the first week in June.  I’m getting a ride down with my SIL’s mom, C, who is going down for work and then a wedding in Seattle.  During that week, I plan on staying again with my friend  Shihtzustaff and her partner Deb and their menagerie of doggies, a cat, and two guinea pigs.  I am really looking forward to this.  This should be a more relaxed trip than the one in March, which was quite exhausting, and I hope to be able to visit all the friends I didn’t get a chance to visit during March’s shorter trip.  I am very much looking forward to that!  I will also get to see my brother & SIL, whom I miss very much, and I’m excited to see them.  I’m also excited about the sushi prospects!  I didn’t get any sushi during my March trip, and so I hope to make up for that next month.

Of course I am looking forward to getting my Hutchison boots, which should arrive at Red Pair this week!  I even have an outfit planned around them!

The big trip comes in September, when my mom is flying me out to PEI for a visit!  I have been to PEI once before, during my honeymoon in 2002, but that was before my mom was there.  The plan is to go for two weeks, and in September there is a month-long food event going on on the island, so I am pretty sure I’ll be doing plenty of eating!  Also, my other brother, Rob, and his partner, S, will probably still be in Nova Scotia, so I’ll be able to visit them as well!  That makes me super happy because I  miss Rob A LOT and it’ll have been over a year since I’d seen him last, at our brother’s wedding last summer.

Shortly thereafter, another exciting event is in the works, namely my attending a concert in Vancouver with my friend Jodi, who has treated us to a night of Swedish power metal as Sabaton plays at The Venue on Granville Street.  Sabaton is one of my bucket list bands, and Jodi surprised me one evening with an email saying “I bought the tickets – we’re going!”  Squeeeeeee!  Jodi and I have never met in person before; we have been blog friends for a few years, emailed tons, and spoken on the phone, but this Sabaton concert will be our first chance to meet in person!

Also in October, is my excellent friend Barb’s Communique event, the one I attended in Calgary last October.  This time, Barb’s hosting it in Vancouver.  Now, it’ll be tricky for me to attend this given that I’ll be in Van earlier in the month, but I am going to do my damnedest to try to swing both events.

So, lots coming up, and it’s really great to have so much to look forward to!

5 Comments leave one →
  1. May 3, 2011 11:53 am

    Wow, you sure have a full plate this year and I am so envious of your trip to PEI. I’ve never been to the east coast and it’s high on my list.

    I sure hope that you can make it back to Vancouver for a second time in October to attend Communique. It promises to be bigger and better than the first year.

    Can’t believe that you went to Vancouver and did not eat sushi though! I believe there is some kind of law against that!

  2. Deb permalink
    May 3, 2011 8:47 pm

    You could always stay here for October, Allyson. You could bring Juno and instead of traveling back and forth, just chill between events. We can talk about it…….

  3. May 3, 2011 10:56 pm

    What a great post!! It’s so important to have things to look forward to, and you’ve got a wicked year ahead. All of it wearing kick ass boots haha!! Maybe I should do a positive post too…

  4. May 5, 2011 3:50 pm

    All good stuff!!! That’s excellent! We’re dying to go to PEI! We were supposed to go this year, but I’m not sure we’re gonna make it. Soon though!

  5. Milla permalink
    May 6, 2011 4:44 am

    Sabaton are not my type of metal but they all look quite handsome! Take your best earplugs 😉

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